We have been back on the east coast for two weeks. Our eastbound load was 7 shipments to go to 7 friendly hometown hardware stores. Five of our delivery addresses - in three states-were on Main street! We started in the Poconos, circled the Catskills and finished in the Berkshires. It was a very scenic trip. A highlight was getting to see spring arrive--When we started two weeks ago there were barely buds on the trees and now the hillsides are greening up. Here are some scenes from our travels
Here in the Pocono’s most of the trees were still just bare trunks except every now and then there was a blossoming tree in the under story. It was very pretty to see the lacy blossoms against the dark of the trunks

We traveled through the Delaware Water Gap- a national park along the Delaware river where it punches through the Pocono Mountains. I took this picture partly for the yellow forsythias- that I love and they were in bloom everywhere. Also for the huge clump of rhododendron beside it. Rhody's are the state flower of Washington - but clearly they thrive in other areas of the country as well.

OK, here we are getting up close and personal with some pretty old homes on some pretty narrow byways on the way to one of our deliveries.

Scharf Swamp. This a plot of land in the Poconos that happens to have recently been WON as a door prize at a land auction by our good friends in Washington, Bob and Laura Scharf. Since we were passing so close to it we got out of the truck and walked to the site. The 90x100 lot has a meandering drainage ditch running through it. Sorry Bob- looks like you won't be making much of a killing selling this beauty. :)

After making our 7 hardware deliveries we were sent to Atlanta. The route takes you by New York City. Since it was a Sunday we decided to take the close-to-the -city route through the Bronx and over the famous George Washington Bridge.

As you cross the bridge you can look down the Hudson River and see the skyline of NYC