Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The new floor goes down

Day 3-First coat of sealer goes down- Isn't it beautiful!

Day one half the floor is down
Day 2- all the wood is down and first sanding is done

Sunday, September 12, 2010

first canning of the season

Everything has been so late this season that I haven't even done any canning from the garden yet.  Here is my first effort- 7 Qts of dill pickles.  Here are the raw cucumbers and dill and garlic.....

and the finished products......


Spray on the texture on Saturday........
Paint on Sunday.........

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Drywall advances

Kurt is getting close now!  The livingroom walls are all taped and today he will spray on the texture.  Tomorrow we may start painting!  Notice the yellow patch- that is the wall color.  The flooring guys are coming on 9/21.  So, we may be ready to move back into this room by 9/25.  We have been out of the room since 3/5- so you can imagine that we are excited! 
And by 9/25 we will be wanting evening fires to warm up the house- so here is the new stovepipe arrangement coming through the new roof- inside and outside views.....

Sunday, September 05, 2010

A trip to Idaho

We took an overnight trip to visit Tim and Kathy at their property in Idaho.  Along the way we had may scenic views of Pend Oreille Lake.   

They took us to another lake overlook at the top of the mountain near their property.  We had another great view AND we found huckleberries!
Back at the property we set up our tent near their beautiful cedar trees...which unfortunately seem to be dying.....
They had offered a bed in their trailer- but we opted to rough it in the tent.
Later we had a nice campfire at this fire ring.
And a parting shot- here is the deluxe biffy at the property.  

MORE house progress

Kurt has worked the last week to put up the  first coat of mud on the drywall in the livingroom.  He tells me we will be ready to paint next weekend!
Plus he has put a sealer on the new redwood deck.......NICE!

Excavator Man

Kurt has been digging around on the upper property...oh the things you can do when you own an excavator

First he built a new access road off the county road.  It is rather steep- but we hope that will keep most people from trying it.
He has made two level view spots.  Here is the lower one

It does have a rather nice view. (What do you think Betty and Lisa?)
Then you go up two more switchbacks to the second view pad......
 Some day we might put a trailer on these spots.  In the mean time it is a great place to take in the view (and now we can drive to them instead of hiking up the hill)