Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Here are Joanie, Jeremy and Mary- working on breakfast and getting the bird ready to go into the oven on Thanksgiving morning.

We were treated to our first snow fall of the season on Friday....

Here are Jeff and Su- preparing to depart on Saturday morning.

Bye-bye- see you next year!

Monday, November 10, 2008

The trusses go up

Work is progressing on the new addition to Kurt's shop. He excavated the site in August, cement was poured in September, he put up the three studwalls in October. Then came the cracked rib and now it is November.....Three friends helped put up the trusses last week

Here is the start of the day- getting the sills ready

Now all the trusses are on top of the walls and it is time to move them into position. Yes, that is Kurt standing on a ladder!!?? (at least he wasn't walking along the sills)

The last trusses are getting set into place (and notice our one maple tree turning yellow in the background)