Sunday, January 27, 2008

Heading north the long way...

We unloaded and re-loaded in Los Angeles on Thursday and were headed back to Washington by 10 am. Here is a view of the storm clouds still raging over the hills ringing LA as we headed north. The Grapevine was still closed so we veered east soon after this pic

The route around the grapevine take you out into the Mojave desert. We saw this rainbow as we traveled along.

The route also goes through the town of Mojave. I think it is usually a very quite little berg- but today, with all of the I-5 traffic passing through things were looking pretty lively! (yes, really)

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OK, it should be snowy in Wyoming and in Kettle Falls in the winter--- but not in CAlifornia! Right? Wrong!
Here are three pictures taken just 30 miles from Los Angeles on Wednesday afternoon! Of course this was the summit of The Grapevine- about 41oo feet in elevation. We were literally 3 truck lengths AHEAD of the crash that eventually led to the closing of Interstate 5 for two days. It was a white-knuckle trip down the hill from here but luckily we were safe and sound

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Another snowy home stay

We got back to Kettle Falls for a few days- just intime for another 8 inches of snow to fall. But we did get the primer paint on the new bathroom walls

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Inspirations for Bev Doolittle?

The big red truck traveled through Wyoming this week on a sunny, but frigidly cold, day. We passed these wind blown rocks with the snow clinging in patches. The scene reminded me of many Bev Doolittle paintings. What do you think?

Here are some real Bev Doolottle Paintings ,,,,,,,
and here is the real thing.......

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Mark goes swimming

More sagas of the cutest grandbaby in the world! Joanie was in Denver briefly last week and got these shots of Amy and Tim taking Mark for a swim. He is just so darn cute!!

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Saturday, January 05, 2008

Home -- SNOWY -- Home

Matters got off the road and went to Kettle Falls for a few days over New Years. We arrived home to find about 8 inches of snow on the ground and then had another 8 inches overnight on the 3rd-4th. Here is the scene out our back door. Our poor flamigos are almost buried!

But don't worry- we were toasty warm inside!......
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Shortly after this we both left in opposite directions. Kurt headed to the truck and is now in the mid-west. Thankfully he got out ahead of the current big storm and didn't experience any mishaps. Joanie is flying to Virginia for more Head Start work. We hope to meet up in Denver next weekend.