Our garden has been spectacular this year. Everything has been growing like crazy- here is our corn patch in the middle of July- the corn stalks are half way up the water stand pipe- which you can see to the middle left in this picture.

Fast forward to August- We have been eating peas, beans, kale, salad greens, strawberries, raspberries, herbs and we have zucchini coming out our ears!
Here is our garden gate.....
Here is our over zealous squash and pumpkin area...

and here is just one tomatillo plant- it has hundreds of blossoms and stands about 5 feet tall....

Pole beans, calendula, basil and salad greens in this shot....

and here is the corn patch. The late variety of corn reached over 8 feet tall by this weekend- you can just see our white water stand pipe to the middle left in this picture- it is 6 feet tall and the corn towers over it....
here is another more close up of the corn
But this weekend tragedy struck.....half our corn patch was knocked over......

we think the stalks were actually pushed over by our irrigation spigot.... most of the stalks are broken and likely won't set ears. VERY SAD for us as corn is our favorite fresh-out-of-the-garden treat. :(