Kurt and I were able to spend the better part of a week in Denver in May. Relatively few pictures were taken but here is a sampling.
Lilly is at that -pull-yourself-to-standing-at-every-chance stage. I happened to catch on film the one time she stood up and let go with both hands....
With Lilly learning new things everyday, Mark did not garner his usual amount of attention....and he would let you know he didn't like that by coming and jumping in your lap when you were playing with Lilly.
Lilly would not keep a hat on her head when out in the bright Denver sun- so here Kurt is trying to hold it on her head..

More cute...
Lilly follows Mark everywhere- here I managed to get them both in one shot.
Lilly and daddy
busy girl
okay grandma, I will pose for another picture...
And here is Mark trying to get in on the picture action..