Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Turkey with crab apple stuffing anyone?

Our wild turkey flock finally discovered our loaded crabapple tree outside the kitchen window.  In one day they have nearly picked it clean.  Their technique is to send four birds into the tree to shake down the fruit.
Then the rest of the flock gobbles up the crabapples from the ground.   
My flamigos take it all in stride.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Good bye Fall

Saturday was a beautiful day here.  I took some farewell pictures of my 2010 garden.  And just in time too because we got our first winter snow on Sunday.
Here was one last bouquet from the garden....not bad for Nov. 20th.
Here is our garden all tucked under a bed of maple leaves.  (with a few remaining green kale plants)
Notice the snow on the hills across the river...
Our house is all tucked in too....

Our remodel is turning out to surpass our expectations for a warm house.  Even at 15 degrees today we had to damp down the wood stove to keep from being too hot!
One more view of the snowy hills across the lake...

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Another Job done

Another job done!  The opening to the kitchen is framed and trimmed!!!

Monday, November 08, 2010

Inside Update

Another project has been completed- the ceiling of our extreme makeover!
Here is the shiny new ceiling paneling....and the light fixture that Kurt made!

Here is the other end of the new ceiling and the other new light fixture.

Here is Kurt himself- taking a well deserved lie-down

And another view.  We LOVE our new space-- Next we need to decide where to hang pictures.