Although it is still FAR from done- we can finally see how it is going to look with the new arrangement in the kitchen. Here are the bones of the new arrangement... Here is the master carpenter standing by his handywork
And guess what I am so happy about!!! A dishwasher-- yippee! And look at all that countertop space...
The original goal for the day was to finish the drywall around the new window on the right-- and by 11 am it was done
Then one thing lead to another---and we decided to take out the other window expected the old window was poorly supported --as you can see the header beam only went part way across the top of the window...
Soon we had the window out- luckily the afternoon was relatively warm even though we had new snow on the ground this morning. Here is the new window in place- notice the nice header that goes all the way to each end of the window! After getting this far we decided that was enough for today!
First job on Friday was to insulate around the new window. We ended up taking the wall board off the little ceiling area--after noticing that there was no insulation in there either.
Kurt moved the ceiling light fixture while he was at it, then he put up some insulation.
New wallboard on the ceiling-before calling it a day and going fishing. He came home with a fish too!
The old sink cabinet came out on Thursday-- Here it is partially demolished.
And now it is all removed.
With time left in the day Kurt decided to change out the window on the right. This was the last original window remaining in the house. Here is the empty hole.
And now the new thermal pane slider window is in place. And a look at the window from the outside
Interior work started yesterday on the kitchen remodel. First day not too bad- Kurt 'just' took out the beam over the sink
Today it is a little more serious- cut the studs and insert a new beam- while holding up the wall with posts. Note stove is moved and dust everywhere. Dinner was take-out!