Since we want to have plenty of time to see Lisa and Ben in Denver on Saturday we need to get in a lot of miles today. So we are up early and underway. Check off PA, OHIO, and Indiana. That put us arriving in the Chicago metro area about 6 pm. This time we took the outer loop on I-80. Since this stretch is always under construction we were in a tie up for about an hour. But our slow progress allowed me to get several pictures of the BIG PIT that the highway crosses. It is the rock quarry that provides the granite or limestone that Chicago is made from. The pit is on both sides of the road and seemingly it is about a mile square. The interstate is like a rock bridge that crosses the center. From my vantage in the passenger seat I could look over the guard rail and down into the pit. I don’t think the pictures give the full perspective of how huge this hole is- it is amazing.
We started listening to a book-on-tape on this leg of the journey - and it distracted us from the driving well enough to keep Kurt going all the way to Davenport IOWA before we parked for the night.
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