Wednesday, September 20, 2006

First day in England

Well, we are here!!! First stop Stonehenge!! Everything is great


Ben Pershouse said...

Hi Mom and Dad,
You look like you are having lots of fun. I was surprised to see you are updating the blog--I was showing one of my students the Big Red Truck and there you were in Europe! Good work! We may also have a buyer for the Long Island Piece...Things are going in Kindergarten--hopefully the sub will stay next week when I am gone, she is a little worried about those days. We hope you are having lots of fun, finding lots of pubs and taking lots of pictures!
Love Lisa

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you made it safely there. We can't wait to join you.

Love Amy

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt and Joanie! Glad to see that your trip is going well. My parents are actually on a trip in Europe right now too. I believe they are in Switzerland right now and they will be in London later next week. If you guys cross paths, tell them I said Hi, haha. We hope that the rest of your trip is fun.

Safe Travels,

Matt, Jaime, Hannah, and Dylan

Anonymous said...

Still in Stonehenge after three weeks? We want new pictures!

(No internet in those pubs?