For those of you who have been worried about how we are making out driving in all the wintry weather that has hit the U.S. in the last month..... Well, don't worry! We have been stuck on the same route down and up the Pacific Coast from Tacoma to LA since early February. Four trips in a row! The good news is that we have not had any "winter driving adventures". The down side is that we are very bored of the route and we aren't making much moola.

It takes about 2 days driving time each way and with loading, delivering and laying over to await a new load a usual round trip takes 6 days. Sometimes we go straight down I-5 and sometimes we vary the route by going down route 97 in Oregon or Hwy 99 in the San Joaquin valley of California.
These first two pictures are of the beautiful, towering evergreens that line the Willamette Pass Hiway east of Eugene in Oregon. Willamette Pass to Oregon-97 is our alternate route through Oregon. We like 97 because it is less hilly and a narrower road- so you can really see the countryside.
When you cross the top of Willamette pass you are treated to peek-a-boo views of this pristine mountain lake
After traveling 150+ miles through the high desert of eastern side of the Cascade mountains on Hwy 97 in Oregon you come to this beautiful lake above Klamath Falls.
I took this picture of a jet trail in Northern California. It was amazing to me because it appeared to be going straight up like a rocket ship!?
Here is a picture from old Hiway 99 in the San Joaquin valley in CA. There is always more to see when we travel the older route- like these flowering trees that lined the route for literally one hundred miles. Plus the hiway is still lined with stately old Eucalyptus trees and palm trees which are fun to see.
1 comment:
Great Shots.
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