Thursday, April 19, 2007

Home Time

We got back to Kettle Falls for a week of RnR (remodeling and rest) from April 9th to 16th. We blew off 6 months of pent-up remodeling energy in our first full day home! We demolished walls, ripped up rugs, cut through walls, covered up one former door opening and framed in a new wall. As it turned out that one day pretty much did us both in so we settled for making more plans, going window-shopping, socializing and generally relaxing for the remainder of our time at home.

Our fist remodel step is to make a bathroom at one end of the extra bedroom. We are adding a bathroom door and moving the bedroom door plus building a new wall to enclose the basement stairs.

Here is the former bedroom entrance before our work started

Here is the wall with the door eliminated.

Here is the wall that will become the new entrance to the bathroom and bedroom before work began. The onpening in the floor to the left is the basement stairs.

This is a picture of what we had accomplished by the end our first day. There is a new hole in the wall, a new beam supporting the roof and a framed wall to enclose the stairs. Whew! Next time home new pocket doors will go up on the other side of this new opening.

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