We departed July 19th for our final two weeks in Big Red. We picked up a load in Tacoma WA and made deliveries in Salt Lake City and Denver on the 22nd and 23rd. Here are some pics from the first leg of our farewell tour.
We drove into the evening on our first day out and I took this picture of the sunset in our rear view mirror.....

Then the next day we were driving again at sunrise- "getting on to the day shift"

On Monday we made the first half of our delivery in down town Salt Lake City. Meaning we were driving our truck across Temple Ave and Main Street. We went by this great looking municipal building- can't remember now what it was- but here is a picture to prove we were truly in the heart of town.

Leaving Salt Lake we saw a rainbow off in the distance....

We decided to take a new route to Denver from SLC. We traveled for nearly 300 miles of Utah and Colorado on Rte. 40. It was one lane in each direction and covered a variety of terrains. At night we were the only vehicle at this rest stop. Here is big red in the morning before we got going....