Sunday, April 19, 2009

How does our garden grow?

Kurt has worked like a slave for the last month to get our new garden spot ready. Here he is in the first week of April rototilling the 40X70 foot area planned for the garden.

Eventually he rototilled the whole area three times...

Next came the posts. First we installed the 6"x6" corner posts in cement. Then came smaller posts at about 12' intervals. At the same time we buried old roofing metal 2 and 1/2 feet underground to deter the gophers. This job was accomplished using the excavator to dig a trench. Then we laid the metal and the poles in the trench....

and backfilled using the excavator again...
And here is one run of the fence complete..........

Then Joanie went out of town for a week- and Kurt finished installing the posts and metal on the other three sides of the garden.....

Another week of frenzied work and VOILA! The metal fencing wire is inplace and the planting beds are starting to take shape!

As of today we have planted potatoes, onion sets and asparagus roots.

The raked mounds will be planted with vegetables and flowers soon!

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