#1 The fire wood is split and stacked. Kurt took a picture of Joanie hoisting up the last few rounds- But really that was all I did- he did the rest.
Here is the whole stack-- it is 9 rows deep. We should be plenty warm this winter.#2 Kurt finished the little rock patio infront of the livingroom window.... (Thanks to Jody for helping to get this started)
#3 The 6 pine trees that got cut down this spring are finally bucked up and stacked to dry for a season.
#4,5,6, 7.....
In a flurry of activity this month, Kurt added an extension to the upper deck and then moved the hot tub there plus he re-wired the tub to include a shut off switch and put the wire in conduit. He has started a railing for the upperdeck and stairs are coming soon. THEN he tore up the section of old lower deck and put down redwood boards and sealed those. And lastly we bought a new blue :) hot tub cover and a lifter which he just installed yesterday.
1 comment:
We need to know what that sealer is called now! We are almost ready to seal our deck here finally!
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