Friday, April 06, 2012

Lilly Helps

Amy, Mark and Lilly came for a visit over their Spring Break.  They left sunny Denver and came to rainy and cold Kettle Falls.  The wet weather required us to think of inside projects.  The kids were more than happy to "work" with Grandpa.  One big ptoject was to make a spice shelf to go under Grandma's new kitchen cabinet.  Lilly helped with the staining and painting the sealer.  Then it was time to install the shelf.
Here is Lilly Helping Grandpa with the final measurements.
 OH, then it was time to re-check the plans...
 And then Lilly was all smiles when it was time for power tools- which she DID get to operate- but all adult hands were busy so we don't have a picture

And here is the finished product....

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