Five new states for me! We are in the south- and we have visited S Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana in the last 24 hours.
We spent a day and half in N Carolina(a state I have visited before). We unloaded yogurt from New Hampshire and reloaded frozen vegetables to take further south. Thanks to my work on the computer Streets program- we had the thrill of taking our 65 foot truck through Historic downtown Salisbury AND historic downtown Thomasville NC. Unfortunately we were too preoccupied with finding our way through without taking out any telephone poles to truly enjoy the scenery.
We actually traveled through SC and Georgia after dark and in driving rain - so no good pictures but here are a few observations. Fireworks are big down here- there are huge superstores for them near each border. Waffle House restaurants are big too- there is one at nearly every interchange. Hotel rates are very economical- $39 for Holiday Express and Comfort Inns $29 for Motel 6.
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