Our big red truck is still in the shop- parts are back ordered and it will be another couple weeks. Sooooooooo- we were 'forced' to take a few extra days off. We made a quick trip to Sequim and then drove the Hwy 101 loop along the Washington coast line. Here are some highlights..............
We stayed at this cute cabin overlooking the ocean near Pacific Beach. We had perfect weather and an absolutely stunning view- but none of those pictures turned out

Then we drove through Grays Harbor county- which suffered an amazing wind storm last December. We saw dozens of logging trucks carrying out the fallen trees and here is just a sampling of an area of downed trees.

We spent two relaxing days with our friends Bobbie and Mike at Long Beach. We took a walk to the North Jetty on the Columbia River and here is the stunning view. Isn't it gorgeous!

We took pictures of each other with the North Jetty lighthouse in the background.....

On Wednesday April 2nd it was time to go back to work--- in a LOANER truck. So for the next couple weeks keep your eye out for us in the Big White Truck!

The loaner lacks all of our usual creature comforts- like TV, microwave and electrical outlets. :( Hopefully Big Red will be back soon!