It's another labor of love.........or idiotcy. We have converted the flooring in our kitchen through to the guest bedroom from linoleum to larch flooring. Kurt found a local lumber mill that cuts down the tree, mills and finishes 6 inch wide T&G flooring planks.
This first picture was taken May 12, Kurt was two days into laying the new flooring. the orange contraption is the nailing tool- that was a real help- but it was still back breaking work to lay all the boards.

The main room boards were all down by May 20. Then we took a break for a visit from the Cichans. The bedroom floor was then put down and new thresholds were made at 6 doorways. Kurt and I spent 8 hours on Friday June 5th doing the sanding...........

We took a day inbetween to straighten our backs and to do finish sanding and let the dust settle. Then on Sunday June 7th we put down the first coat of sealer. Here is the start..........

We worked our way from the kitchen to the bedroom- Here is Kurt just backing out the bedroom door....

And here are some pictures of the floor. Another coat of the sealer goes on later today and then a topcoat.