Sunday, June 14, 2009

We arrive in Chile and Visit Valparaiso

We arrived in Santiago, Chile after a mere 22 hours of travel. There was a morning nap and then a walk around the neighborhood. First thing we saw was a........Starbucks
Our hosts, Michael and Catharine, live on the 15th floor of an apartment building. Here is the view out our bedroom window. The Andes, which should be visible in this direction, are obscured in the haze on our first day.
On Sunday we drove to the coast and walked around the town of Valparaiso. The city is built on steep hills and the buildings are very colorful

We also drove up the coast a ways. This is the sailboat harbor where M and C moored on their first visit to Chile 6 years ago. We had a fantastic seafood lunch at a beachside restaurant just out of the picture to the right. Sea Urchin and razor clams for appetizers and fish and chips for lunch. One plate filled us both up.

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