Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Cichan visit to Camp Matter- May 2009

Amy, Tim and Mark spent 8 days with Grandpa and Grandma in May. It was SO much fun! Here are some of Marks antics from just the FIRST day of the visit! We did our best to spoil the heck out of him......including letting him remove all these CDs from the cabinet. He made this stack all by himself!

Being all boy- Mark loves cars. Here he is getting to "drive" Grandpa's scout....

Here is Mark hanging out with his grandpa...

Grandma let Mark help her dig up some lilac plants...

and then he helped daddy plant them in another part of the yard....

A favorite game- was playing in the tent and tunnel with grandpa...

And, best of all - it is OK to be NAKED at grandma and grandpa's.

1 comment:

Gentian said...

I love the two cool dudes in their sunglasses hangin' together . . .