LOOK at this sun flower- it is 10 feet tall!

Here is the middle of the gardern- zucchini in the foreground, flowers in the middle and the pumpkin patch off in the back.

Here is what the tomato patch looked like this morning before I hacked back the growing tips and harvested everything that was red..

These are our pole beans. We put strings up to a wire and the plants have grown up and created a wall of green that is 6 feet high. The beans are just coming on...
This is what remains of our corn patch. We have been cutting down the stalks as we harvest a row. Right now we are in the middle of the patch where all the stalks were knocked down a month ago. This looks pretty bad- but we actually managed to salvage most of the crop and have been eating corn on the cob 3 to 4 nights a week for 3 weeks. Tonight we harvested the bulk of the remaining ears and froze the kernals for winter.

And here is why we can't be too unhappy about the corn-- because the rest of the garden is so beautiful. This is our gate- with morning glory in bloom and climbing across the top of the gate. (Did you know that morning glory only opens its blooms in the morning?)

We have another patch of morning glory on the side of the fence facing the house...
And, of course, the harvest of wonderful vegetables and flowers is the other reason we love having a garden. These were all picked this morning- Cucumbers, tomatoes, a watermelon and a cantalope and several bunches of flowers. (Later in the day I picked a bag of zucchini and dozen peppers of 4 different varieties that went right into salsa. )
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